Turksvy Publikasies

Website Design

Logo, Design & Website

Turksvy Publikasies

Turksvy Publications was established in 2020 as an independent publishing house to assist authors publication of their manuscripts.  Turksvy Publications was also established to provide a platform for writers and poets to publish their work after it has gone through a selection process. Professional service providers are used to ensure that books are of high quality.


We’re honoured to say that the Turksvy Publikasies logo was created by us. We just love how it turned out!


As far as design goes, we’ve completed several projects for Turksvy Publikasies; book covers, social media designs, flyers, invitations and more.


The website, initially done by us in 2019, was completely redesigned in 2022, again by Creative Partner. Our clients love the new look.

Your story, beautifully told.

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